Field of Service: Papua New Guinea

Mission Organization: Wycliffe Bible Translators

Ministry: Jeremy works as an auto-mechanic on a mission centre in PNG. He works with other expat missionaries and PNG national staff. The shop services vehicles that belong to missionaries and departments to further Bible translation. He is currently the assistant manager and floor supervisor.

Tanya currently is a homemaker, lead receptionist and a medivac coordinator at the local Clinic.

Jeremy and Tanya have four son's, Caleb, Daniel, Seth and Steven.

Email Address:


Field Address:

P.O. Box 410

 Ukarumpa, EHP 444

Papua New Guinea

News From the Tool Box
December 2024

Greetings friends! As we look back on 2024 there's a lot we have seen the Lord doing in our lives. Many times we held a lot of uncertainty. We placed our concerns before the Lord. It is unmistakable! He hears us. We are so thankful, the Lord has cared for our family and answered in so many unique ways!
Seth and Steven are growing up! and up! These quiet, friendly young men have some cool things going on in their lives. Seth told me the other day that he's 6'3" now! How did that happen?!
Seth being in grade 12, is celebrated in this community. We wish we had room to mention all of what this guy is like. You must meet him!
He has stretched himself working with worship teams, signing up for a drama class (surprising everyone!) and planning what happens next, after graduation.
Seth plans to go to Word of Life Bible Institute next year and possibly a school for his pilot's licence thereafter. God is growing this young man!
Both Seth and Steven were on the high school soccer team and grew this season. They have worked, and struggled a bit this last term, so they're looking forward to finishing exams just before the Christmas break.

Steven is a quiet lad, yet full of off the cuff one liners that keep us in stitches! He is also very active and part of many sports here. He'll be sixteen in February! I guess that means more driver training for dad!
We have enjoyed going to special events such as Canadian and American Thanksgiving get togethers and other fun events.

Tanya has a lot going on at the moment. Recently she lost her grandfather so she's been connecting with her family more than usual. The Clinic is hopping! We have more doctors, so the schedule reflects that. There's also an increase in sickness lately. As the lead receptionist, she comes home pretty tired! Tanya has also promised to encourage one of her translator friends by attending her wedding in New Jersey this January. We are thankful; one of the groom's supporters, is helping us with the cost.
Tanya decided that, since she will be in North America, she will come to Canada to visit our two Canadian boys and our future daughter in law for a week or so. This makes things a bit more complicated, but both parties are longing to see each other, so it's exciting to see it unfold.
As we think of our kids in Canada! Caleb and Daniel have been struggling with the cost of living and getting established in their jobs.  We know many of you have been praying! Thank you! We are pleased and blessed! Caleb has some promising options and Daniel was offered an apprenticeship at Northern Honda. If you know anything about the automotive industry, that is not a normal opportunity! Please continue to pray for them. They continue to have big things on their horizons.
Jeremy's job remains very full. The Lord has helped him fight discouragement, as well as appreciate the opportunity to be helpful and productive. He is enjoying the work and thankful. Recently he got the chance to see a previous coworker open his own shop, which is a hard thing to do here. Jeremy is proud of him.
Blessings to you all in Christ! We thank God for you! May you be deeply impacted; celebrating the advent of Christ. He ended up being a lot more than a baby. The unique way he entered our realm gave rise to his unexpected purpose, which today, still transforms lives like yours and mine.
We look forward to returning to Canada in June. Lord willing.

Praise with us: 
  • The Lord has been providing for Caleb and Daniel as well as the rest of our family.
  • There has been more staff at both the clinic and the shop which helps with the work load.
  • We have recently seen some victories over discouragement.
  • That the Lord is working here, and He has asked us to be part of it! What an honour!
Pray with us:  
  • Please pray for the missionaries here.  Discouragement has been high, and sometimes being on the field during Christmas makes it worse.
  • Pray for Caleb and Daniel as they have so many big changes happening.
  • Pray for the shop during another upcoming transition.
  • Pray for Jeremy's PNG'n friend Jeff who recently opened an auto repair shop. Businesses here have different cultural pressures.  It's challenging to keep a business going here.

Thank you for your prayer, gifts and encouragement,

Jeremy, Tanya, Caleb, Daniel, Seth, and Steven
Jeremy and Tanya Lott          
PO Box 1(316)
Ukarumpa, EHP 444
Papua New Guinea

Wycliffe Bible Translators
4316-10 St. NE, Calgary, AB,T2E 6K
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the ministry of Jeremy-Tanya Lott #53578